The right to assistance and help in case of fears and anxiety

Many victims of criminal offences and witnesses have no previous experience with the police, the public prosecutor’s offices or the courts and feel insecure. They may also feel burdened by the offence and worry. Witnesses do not have to go to their examination by themselves. They can name an accompanying person or have a lawyer accompany them.

Witness fears

Witnesses might feel insecure when they are summoned to testify. They are therefore allowed to bring a person who is close to them, provided that this person is not a witness as well. There are also many ways for witnesses to receive help with anxieties and fears. However, these can only be provided if the police or judicial staff know of such problems and are approached by the witness.

Legal advice

Of course, you are allowed to bring a lawyer to a witness examination. Here, you can find information on finding a lawyer and on legal aid, which you can apply for if you are entitled to private accessory prosecution and cannot afford a lawyer.

Witness support

In many cities, there are witness support units directly at the court. Their staff provide information on the course of criminal proceedings and court hearings, for example. Moreover, witnesses can talk to them about their worries and fears. They can also accompany witnesses to their court hearing, if they wish. In addition, they assist witnesses in communicating with the court and are ready to provide further support after the trial. If necessary, they can also help witnesses find therapeutic or psychological support. Information can usually be found on the website of the court before which the trial is held.

Independent victim support organisations can also support witnesses in giving testimony. They also provide information on the course of court proceedings, provide psychosocial assistance and help find any further support needed.

Another type of support for victims of criminal offences is so-called psychosocial support in court proceedings. It is not geared towards legal assistance, but rather provides support during the investigative proceedings as well as during and after the trial. For example, helpers can accompany persons affected by a criminal offence to examinations by the police or the public prosecutor, or they can take the victims to the courthouse and show them the courtroom before the actual hearing. In some cases, for example in cases of sexual or violent offences, this support is provided free of charge.

Fear of threats

If a person has been threatened, the police, public prosecutor’s office or the court should be notified immediately. For them to be able to help, the situation should be described openly. Threatened persons can contact the police and ask about which measures are possible and useful in their individual case.

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