Benefits provided by the Compensation Fund for Road Accident Victims

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Some violent offences are committed by means of a motor vehicle, such as a vehicle rampage attack or a terrorist attack. In such cases, affected persons should first try to obtain compensation from any existing motor vehicle liability insurance.

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If the vehicle owner’s motor vehicle liability insurer is not liable for compensation, compensation will be paid out by the Compensation Fund for Road Accident Victims. This institution is an association of German motor liability insurers and can be contacted directly.

In what cases does the Compensation Fund for Road Accident Victims provide payments?

The Compensation Fund for Road Accident Victims settles claims caused by the use of an uninsured motor vehicle, claims in cases of hit-and-run accidents, and in cases in which the driver has caused the accident intentionally and unlawfully. The Compensation Fund for Road Accident Victims usually entrusts the handling of such claims to an insurance company.

For what types of damage is compensation awarded?

The Compensation Fund compensates the actual damage incurred. This includes, in particular, compensation for pain and suffering, loss of earnings, loss of maintenance, funeral expenses and other expenses caused by an injury (such as modifications to the home), as well as material damage if the act has also caused considerable bodily injury. Thus, the benefits provided by the Compensation Fund differ, for example, from those under the hardship payments scheme or the Victim Compensation Act.

In exceptional cases, and depending on the circumstances of the offence, benefits under the Victim Compensation Act may be claimed in addition to the benefits provided by the Compensation Fund for Road Traffic Victims.

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