Benefits under the statutory accident insurance scheme

doctype:Statutory accident insurance funds

Persons who suffer injuries due to a violent act while carrying out a professional activity or during a field trip with a school class or a group of university students, or while on their way to or from such a field trip may, under certain circumstances, be able to claim benefits under the statutory accident insurance scheme.

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The statutory accident insurance covers the costs for medical treatment and medical rehabilitation and provides pensions in case of permanent damage to health.

Benefits provided by the statutory accident insurance scheme

Public service employees as well as certain volunteer workers are insured through the Communities’ Insurance Associations or the accident insurance funds of the Länder or the Federation. Insurance for children attending nursery school as well as for students in schools or higher education is provided by the statutory accident insurance fund of the location of the school or university.

The statutory accident insurance scheme provides the following benefits, among others:

  • medical treatment and medical rehabilitation
  • aids (e.g. prostheses, dental prostheses, wheelchairs)
  • benefits aimed at participation in working and social life (retraining, motor vehicle assistance, housing assistance, etc.)
  • income replacement benefits, such as injury benefit and temporary benefit
  • psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance (such as payment of psychotherapy sessions)
  • pensions in cases of permanent damage to health
  • nursing care allowance (both for at-home and institutional care)
  • Benefits for surviving family members, such as death benefits, widow’s and widower’s pensions, orphan’s allowances

You can find more information about who is insured through the statutory accident insurance scheme and what benefits are available here.

Benefits provided by the employers’ liability insurance associations

All other employees who become victims of a violent act at work or on their way to and from work have to contact the employers’ liability insurance associations. They provide the same benefits as the statutory accident insurance funds.

A list of the employers’ liability insurance associations can be found here.

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