Contact persons for financial support

What governmental contact point crime victims should turn to depends, among other things, on which type of support they need and what happened to them.

Help and advice - Financial aid

What governmental contact point crime victims should turn to depends, among other things, on which type of support they need and what happened to them. After a criminal offence, those affected by it may suffer damage to their health, and are therefore entitled to financial compensation payments. You can learn more about the financial support available here.

First point of contact: Land pension offices

Whether they need psychological or medical treatment, care, welfare benefits or financial compensation: Anyone who has suffered damage to their health as the result of a violent crime is entitled to help under the Victim Compensation Act. In order to get the help they need, victims need to file an application with the competent Land pension office (Landesversorgungsamt). Here, you can find an overview of the Land pension offices.

Accident insurance funds and mutual indemnity associations

If someone suffers injuries due to a criminal offence while carrying out a professional activity, while on a field trip with students or whilst on their way to such activities, it may be possible to claim benefits under the statutory accident insurance scheme. In this case, accident insurersor mutual indemnity associations are the correct points of contact.

You can find out more about the services of accident insurance funds and mutual indemnity associations here.

Federal Office of Justice

After extremist attacks or terrorist offences, victims may be entitled to hardship payments. The Federal Office of Justice is the right point of contact in this case.

Association of German motor liability insurers (Verkehrsopferhilfe e.V., VOH)

If a vehicle is involved in a criminal offence, victims can contact any existing vehicle liability insurance for compensation. If the insurance does not pay, they can turn to Verkehrsopferhilfe e.V. (VOH).

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