Victim commissioners and central contact points

The victim commissioners at the federal and Länder levels offer support for victims of specific criminal offences or attacks.

Ansprechpartner Beratungsstellen - Bundesländer

Federal Government Commissioner for Persons Affected by Terrorist and Extremist Attacks Committed on National Territory

Roland Weber took over the office of Federal Government Commissioner for Persons Affected by Terrorist and Extremist Attacks Committed on National Territory on 1 January 2025. The Federal Victim Commissioner is independent in his work and is assisted by a secretariat located at the Federal Ministry of Justice. He is continuing the work of assisting those affected by the attack on Breitscheidplatz in Berlin in 2016, the attacks in Halle (Saale) and Landsberg in 2019, the attack in Hanau in 2020 and the knife attack in Dresden in 2020.

For concerns related to an attack, the Federal Victim Commissioner is the central contact person at federal level for survivors, injured persons, witnesses, first responders, and owners of businesses or facilities that became crime scenes as a result of an attack, as well as other affected persons. In cooperation with the competent authorities, he facilitates access to practical, financial and psychosocial assistance and supports those affected in their interactions with the authorities.

His secretariat can be contacted by telephone on the toll-free number 0800 0009546 – or by e-mail at
Information on data protection for calls to the helpline of the Federal Victim Commissioner can be found here.

The concluding report of the Federal Government Commissioner for the Victims and Bereaved of Terrorist Offences committed on National Territory can be found here (in German only).

Federal Government Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the Fight against Anti-Semitism

Dr. Felix Klein is the Federal Government Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the Fight against Anti-Semitism. His task is to coordinate the measures taken by all the federal ministries to fight anti-Semitism. He also serves as a contact person for Jewish groups and organisations, and as a liaison for federal, Land and civil society measures to combat anti-Semitism. Furthermore, he will provide public information as well as civic and cultural education to increase public awareness of current and past forms of anti-Semitism (more information here). Among other positions, Dr. Klein is the patron of the Federal Association of Departments for Research and Information on Anti-Semitism, where anti-Semitic incidents are documented, including incidents that are beneath the threshold of criminal liability. The association also provides general and legal advice.

Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues

The task of the Independent Commissioner for Child Sex Abuse Issues, Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig, is to stand up for the concerns of people who have suffered or suffer sexualised violence in childhood or adolescence. Together with victims and survivors as well as other experts, both practitioners and academics, the Commissioner is active both in policymaking and society in the fight against sexual violence. The Commissioner’s website and linked pages provide a great deal of information on protecting against child abuse and on opportunities for help and for processing experiences.

Also, the Independent Commissioner has two contact points for victims as well as their loved ones and experts: the free and anonymous sexual abuse hotline as well as the help portal for sexual abuse.

Victim Commissioners in the Länder

Many of the Länder have appointed victim commissioners and have established their own teams to provide support to victims of various criminal offences. They offer practical assistance and can also assist in finding further help.

Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice and Migration
Victim Commissioner of the Baden-Württemberg Land Government
Alexander Schwarz
Central contact point for victims of terrorist attacks, rampages and major emergencies and their relatives as well as
Pilot services for victims of other criminal offences with assistance in contacting existing support services if they desire
Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice and European Affairs
Schillerplatz 4, 70173 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (711) 279 - 2093

Central contact person for victim protection in the Free State of Bavaria
Kerstin Altenbeck
Central contact person for victims of terrorist attack and major damage events as a result of a criminal offence, as well as for family members of these victims. Georg-Eydel-Str. 13, 97082 Würzburg
Phone: 0800 0009546 (free of cost)
When calling from abroad: +49 30 18 580 - 8050

Central contact point for victims of terrorist attacks and
major emergencies and their family members
Victim protection in the justice system is part of the remit of the Senate Department for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination. One of its divisions is titled “Victim Protection and Support.”
The division’s tasks include maintaining the Berlin central contact point for victims of terrorist attacks and major emergencies and their family members. That office coordinates medium- and long-term support services in Berlin, particular those of a psychosocial nature, both in the case of a terrorist attack in Berlin and if Berliners are affected by an attack abroad.
Salzburger Straße 21–25, 10825 Berlin
Phone: 0800 0009546 (free of cost)
When calling from abroad: +49 30 18 580 - 8050

Victim Commissioner for the Land of Berlin
Roland Weber
The victim commissioner offers support to the victims of crime, in particular
of violent crime.
Salzburger Straße 21–25, 10825 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 9013 3454

Land Victim Commissioner at the Senator for Justice and Constitution
Uwe Hellpap
Richtweg 16 - 22, 28195 Bremen
Phone: + 49 0421 361 2458

Hamburg Commissioner for victims of terrorist attacks and other major emergencies and their families
Arne Dornquast
The Hamburg Victim Commissioner is the central contact point for victims and their relatives in connection with potential terrorist attacks and major emergencies in Hamburg. Affected individuals in Hamburg can turn to the Victim Commissioner with all of their questions and support needs; they will receive qualified information, counselling, as well as referrals to the assistance facility most suitable for their needs. The Victim Commissioner is the central contact person, and has a referral function as well.
Director of the Office for Labour and Integration; ESF-Verwaltungsbehörde
Behörde für Arbeit, Gesundheit, Soziales, Familie und Integration
Adolph-Schönfelder-Straße 5, 22083 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 40 42863-2011

Victim Commissioner of the Hesse Land Government for victims of serious acts of violence and terrorist attacks
Prof. Dr. Daniela Birkenfeld
Bleichstraße 6, 60313 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 0800 0009546 (free of cost)
When calling from abroad: +49 30 18 580 - 8050

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Justice Commissioner for Victim Support in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Marc Quintana Schmidt
The Commissioner functions as the central contact point for victims of violent crime and their loved ones. She supports victims, provides them with information on their rights, and refers them to suitable institutions or victim assistance organisations. She contributes to more effective victim protection by bundling assistance services offered by victim support services, and promotes cooperation and networking among the victim counselling services active throughout the Land and other victim support services. She thereby focuses on the different needs of various groups of victims and on ensuring rapid and non-bureaucratic support.
Justizzentrum Stralsund
Frankendamm 17
Phone: +49 3831 205 234

Lower Saxony
Land Commissioner for Victim Protection in Lower Saxony
Thomas Pfleiderer
The Land Commissioner is the contact person for all victims of violence and crime as well as of major emergencies. Relatives of the victims can contact him as well. Along with his team, he provides initial counselling and refers them to a suitable assistance facility.
Am Waterlooplatz 1, 30169 Hannover
Phone: +49 511 120 8751

North Rhine-Westphalia
North Rhine-Westphalia Land Commissioner for Victim Protection
Barbara Havliza
As the Victim Protection Commissioner of the Land North Rhine-Westphalia, Ms. Havliza and her team are the contact point for all victims of crime and violence and for bereaved, injured persons and other affected individuals in major emergencies such as attacks, violent rampages with a vehicle, or accidents.
Reichenspergerplatz 1, 50670 Köln
Phone: +49 221 399099 64
Second office: OLG Hamm
Hesslerstraße 53, 59065 Hamm
Phone: 0800 - 3345667

Victim Commissioner for the Land Government of Rhineland-Palatinate
Detlef Placzek
The Victim Commissioner for the Land Government of Rhineland-Palatinate is a direct, neutral and independent contact person for people who have been affected by terrorist attacks, natural disasters or major accidents with injury to people and who have a direct connection to Rhineland-Palatinate. He embodies the practical support of the Land government for those affected who have endured enormous suffering and who find themselves in a psychosocial or financial emergency situation. He works to coordinate claims for compensation and provides support in accessing the respective assistance facilities. His activities are guided by a resource-oriented, individual approach to assisting victims and their relatives for as long as they need support. The goal is to support those affected in integrating their traumatic experience into their lives and to work together to develop perspectives for the future.
Rheinallee 97–101, 55118 Mainz
Phone: 0800 0009546 (free of cost)
When calling from abroad: +49 30 18 580 - 8050

Commissioner for Child-Friendly Justice and Victim Protection at the Saarland Ministry of Justice
Agata Schubert
The Commissioner for Child-Friendly Justice and Victim Protection is the central contact point for minors and their legal representatives - insofar as they are involved in or affected by judicial proceedings - as well as for victims of crime and violence and persons close to them. She particularly supports minors and victims of crime and provides them with information about their rights. She also promotes cooperation between child and youth welfare institutions and victim support organisations, carries out networking activities, and bundles together support services offered by third parties.
Saarland Ministry of Justice
Franz-Josef-Röder-Straße 17, 66119 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 (0) 681 501 – 7587

Victim Commissioner of the Government of the Free State of Saxony
Iris Kloppich
The Victim Commissioner of the Government of the Free State of Saxony is the central contact person for victims of major emergencies, in particular due to terrorist arracks and extremist criminal offences, as well as specific cases of the most serious crime. Her work involves referring victims, relatives, bereaved persons and others affected by crime and arranging access to rights and assistance services. She also provides qualified advice regarding services and assistance, provides referrals to responsible authorities and offices, and is available in specific cases to lend an ear and provide a helping hand.
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Soziales und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Geschäftsstelle der Opferbeauftragten
Albertstraße 10, 01097 Dresden
Phone: 0800 0009546 (free of cost)
When calling from abroad: +49 30 18 580 - 8050

Ministry for Justice and Consumer Protection of the Land of Saxony-Anhalt
Land Victim Commissioner
Dr. Gabriele Theren
Central contact point for victim counselling,
Ministry for Justice and Equality of the Land of Saxony-Anhalt
Domplatz 2–4, 39104 Magdeburg
Phone: +49 391 567 6045 and +49 391 567 6136

Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, European Affairs and Consumer Protection
Victim Protection Commissioner of the Land of Schleswig-Holstein
Ulrike Stahlmann-Liebelt
Central contact point for victims of crime and their relatives
Ministry for Justice, Europe and Consumer Protection
The goal of the Victim Protection Commissioner’s work is to create and support central victim protection structures, as well as to secure rapid and non-bureaucratic assistance and support for victims of criminal offences and their relatives. The Victim Protection Commissioner primarily has the function of representation and referral, and serves as the central contact person for the concerns and needs of crime victims and their relatives, as well as promoting contact among the individual authorities and institutions of the Land.
Lorentzendamm 35, 24103 Kiel
Phone: 0800 0009546 (free of cost)
When calling from abroad: +49 30 18 580 - 8050

Central contact point for persons of terrorist attacks and shootings
Thüringer Staatskanzlei
Regierungsstraße 73, 99084 Erfurt
Telefon: +49 361 57-3211150
Telefax: +49 361 57-1211015

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